Friday, February 19, 2010

My Favourite Forms of Media

Everywhere you look, there is media. Your shirt is media, texting on your cell phone is media, even Facebook is media. So why not study, what you see everyday? My three favourite forms of media, are television, internet, and social networking. Television is one of my favourite forms of media, because there are billions of tv shows, that most people don’t even watch, but are still on the air. Some of the tv shows I find most interesting, are One Tree Hill, Secret Life of the American Teenager, Vampire Diaries, and Criss Angel: Mind freak. These shows interest me, because the first four I mentioned, are fiction, but certainly deal with real life situations. Criss Angel on the other hand, is fiction, but non-fiction. It is reality, but is what he doing actually real? I believe it is all fake, because although they show a “continuous shot”, how do we know it is continuous. Although I believe the stunts he has on the show are false, he is certainly a great entertainer. Internet, is another of my favourite forms of media. This is because the internet, has basically taken over the world. Books are not needed, now that they have them on the internet, and most people don’t even remember what a book is. The next generation, will be completely virtual. I predict everything will have a touch screen, and technology will be at it’s highest level. The internet can lead to social networking, financing, anything you want it to. Which is why it is one of my favourite forms of media. The internet, is everything that is life. You can get music, books, even a puppy! The internet has provided us with so many opportunities, but also has degraded us. In the next generation, I predict that computers will have most of the jobs. This is because they can do anything. The internet was a wonderful invention, and has taken over the better part of the world. But is it for the better, or worse? My last favourite form of media is social networking. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, even Blogger. Social networking is certainly a link to the internet, seeing as how most of it, if not all, happens on the internet. This provides us with several other links to communication. Communication used to be picking up the phone and calling someone, or sending a note in a bottle, across the lake. Now, all you have to do is have an internet connection, and you’re good to go. Now is this good or bad? You can tell anyone, anything, anywhere, as long as you have a connection to the internet. You will never have to leave your house again! When you’re 35 and you’re still living in your parent’s basement, why go up the stairs and tell them you’re hungry? Why not tweet it to them? Or send them a wall post on Facebook? This is what social networking does to people, which is why it is one of my favourite forms of media.

1 comment:

  1. You have a good post here in terms of info (particularly your predictions), with a few small errors, but I would have much preferred it if you had included some more multimedia content. Give me some links, some clips - examples of the material you're talking about.

    Level 3+
